Watching an enormous flock of snow geese tornado down to you or feeling the anticipation of Canadian geese on final approach into your spread is amazing no matter how my times you have seen it. On the eastern shore of Maryland, conditions are ideal to attract and hold high populations of geese. Surrounding farms and lots of available water are paradise for a goose in the heart of the Atlantic Flyway.
Through proper management and hunter conservation, Maryland has restored the limit on Canada Geese to 2 per day. The limit on Snow Goose is 15 per day.
We hunt Canada and Snow Goose out of pit and A-frame blinds that provide for safe and comfortable hunts. JC has been goose hunting for nearly two decades on the Eastern Shore and has been a guide for 10 years. His experience and great hunting locations make for outstanding goose hunts. If there is anything we can do to help you plan your goose hunt, just let us know. Call today to book your Canadian or snow goose hunt.
Feet Down - Guns Up Canadians coming in to land during a snowstorm.

Giant wingspan on these two

Fowl Play Guide Service
12655 Still Pond Rd
Still Pond, MD 21667
JC Higgs
Maryland Goose Maryland Deer Maryland Duck
#1 Eastern Shore Goose Duck & Deer Guide